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Beretta M3P

Publicado por vanlacke, Enero 28, 2011, 07:55:51 PM

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Alguno vio alguna de estas escopetas? Modestini la llegó a importar?? Qué les parece?
The Beretta’s new-born M3P is a semi-automatic and pump action shotgun. The DFM system (*) allows to use this firearm as a semi-automatic gun, thus offering all the advantages of easy handling and quickest follow-up shots, or to switch it over as a pump action shotgun operating with any type of loads from the heaviest to the lightest ones (minimum propelling charge). The change from one functioning made to the other is simple and quick: it just requires a short rotation of a ring located at the end of the forearm which can be easily worked also holding the firearm in the shooting position




Que fierrooo!!!
entra en el dectreo?


La RS202 si ya hace un par de años, la M3P no te se decir, yo al menos nunca escuche de alguien q la tenga.

Salvatore Giuliano

creo, que no entra en el decreto, tiene (a la vista) las mimas medidas que mi spas12, tiene el mismo sistema hibrido, y se la ve hermosa, mas onda guerrera. aca debe salir un fangote.